Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes before that perfect family portrait makes its way into your hands? Join me on a journey behind the lens as I reveal the day in the life of a family photographer. From the early preparations to the candid moments captured during a shoot, let's dive into the artistry and dedication that goes into creating timeless memories.

Coffee First

Every day begins with a cup of coffee and a moment of meditation and reflection. On session days (typically the weekends), I use this time to review the details of upcoming sessions, reviewing pre-session questionnaires to understand family dynamics, specific requests, and mentally crafting the visual story I want to tell. Based on location, subjects, and other variables, I choose and clean the lenses I want to bring to sessions. I check the batteries and SD cards. I also make sure to pack some end-of-session goodies for the kids. It's a ritual that sets the tone for the day ahead.

Location Scouting

There's often a visit to the chosen location or a review of the family's home. While I have some favorite spots in the area, I am always on the search for new locations with interesting lighting, unique textures, and a backdrop that complements the family's personality. Each location becomes a canvas where moments will be painted, and every corner holds the potential for a captivating photograph.

Building Trust and Comfort

I've always prioritized building connections with my families, and that's why I believe I'm so lucky to help capture many of the same families year after year. Trust is the foundation of any successful photo shoot (and that's what my own family looks for in our photographers). I take the time to chat with each member of the family (from the dads to the little ones), understand individual preferences ("I'm self-conscious of my left side!"), and make everyone feel at ease. Whether it's cracking a few (bad!) jokes or engaging in a light-hearted conversation, establishing a comfortable connection is key to capturing authentic moments.

Being Spontaneous

As the session unfolds, my focus shifts to capturing the unscripted moments. Whether it's the laughter of children, a tender embrace between parents, or the playful antics of siblings, these candid shots breathe life into the narrative. The magic lies in letting the family be themselves, creating genuine, heartfelt photographs.

Technical Precision

Behind every click is a careful dance of technical precision. Adjusting camera settings on the fly, navigating various lighting conditions, and framing each shot with an artistic eye, these are the technical aspects that enhance the visual storytelling. It's a delicate balance between creativity and technical expertise.


After I say goodbye to my families, one of the first things I do is to upload and back up our shots. I typically shoot between 400–800 images during a 40-minute session. I begin to cull the images (and yes, I want to text you along the way, but I resist—I want to deliver you a polished finished gallery). Each photograph is meticulously curated to enhance its visual impact while maintaining the authenticity of the moment. During the editing process, I crop, color-correct, and enhance details to ensure the final images meet my aesthetic, standards, and style that is consistent with the work I display on my website.

Delivery and Celebration

The final step is the moment of delivering the images to the family. The culmination of effort, creativity, and shared moments results in a collection of photographs that will be cherished for years to come.

A day in the life of a family photographer is a blend of connection, creativity, and dedication. It's about capturing the essence of families, freezing moments in time, and turning ordinary days into extraordinary memories. Through the lens, I have the privilege of witnessing the beauty in the everyday—a journey that continues to inspire and fuel my passion for the art of family photography.